20 Months
Programme Duration
5 specializations
to choose from
1 Week
Campus Immersion

Liverpool John Moores University - MSc in Data Science

upGrad is in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores (LJMU) to deliver the following program:
MSc in Data Science

About LJMU
  • Ranked 401-500 World University Ranking 2023 by Times Higher Education
  • 200+ year legacy, ard 25,000 current students
  • QAA accredited, IOA accredited
(campus immersion available)
20 Months
  • 14-month Executive PG Program in Data Science by IIITB
  • 6-month MSc in Data Science by LJMU
# of Courses
Executive PG in Data Science
  • Delivered by International Institute of Info Technology Bangalore (IIITB)
  • Choose from 3 specialisations:
    (i)Deeping Learning;
    (ii)Business Intelligence/Business Analytics;
    (iii)Data Engineering

MSc in Data Science
  • Research Methodology (2 mths, 10 credits)
  • Industry Project (4 mths, 60 credits)
(ard HKD75,050)
Bachelor’s degree with 50% min.
(No coding experience required)
Dual Certificates
MSc from LJMU
Executive PG from IIITB

Kick-start your Data Science journey with Globally Recognised Master's from Liverpool John Moores University

Recognised Masters Degree by WES & Institute of Analytics (IOA)


5 Unique Specializations
25+ Industry Case Studies & Capstone Project
14+ Tools & Languages
6 Months - Masters Project / Thesis
Complimentary Python Bootcamp
Career Essential Soft Skills
World Class Faculty from IIITB and LJMU
85% Recorded + 15% Live Sessions
Weekly Live Sessions with Industry Experts & Faculty
Dual Alumni Status - IIITB and LJMU
Career Coaching & Mentoring Sessions
Global Networking Opportunities
1 week LJMU on campus visit**

Top Skills You Will Learn

Software development using languages like Java & Python & specialize in Full Stack Development

Who Is This Program For?

IT and Technology Professionals, Project Leads and Managers in IT/Tech Companies, Data Professionals, Java & Other Coding Professionals, Testing Professionals

Minimum Eligibility

Bachelor’s Degree with 50% or equivalent passing marks. No coding experience required.

Programming Languages and Tools Covered

Admission Process

Step 1

Apply directly online now:

Step 2

Upon receiving all documents, the application will be processed and reviewed within one week.

Upon acceptance, an offer letter will be sent to you by the school or upGrad on behalf of the school via email.

Step 3

Acceptance of Offer

Confirm your offer by paying tuition balance by the date printed on the offer letter.

Attend an onboard call via the Internet.


  1. Information is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change.
  2. The course is a purely distance learning course and is therefore not subject to the registration requirement. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead.
  3. Hopkins is an exclusive channel partner of upGrad in Hong Kong and Macau.
Call us at
+852 2877-9938
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 6:30pm
9:30am - 1:30pm

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